Tuesday, February 28, 2006


The Constant Gardener, Hustle and Flow, and Capote

One of the ways I know that I really love a movie is if about halfway through I find myself enjoying myself so much that I think "man, I wish this movie would never end." (Movies this has happened with are the ones that pretentious people would scoff at like Shakespeare in Love and Chocolat). Anyway, I saw three movies this weekend and at no point did I have that emotion. Not good.

The Constant Gardener -- eh. I was really looking forward to it. It just was not the thriller I expected. I really like that they actually filmed in Kenya though.

Hustle and Flow. found it boring.

Capote. Capote was actually quite good. Possibly the best of the 5 movies nominated for the Oscar. There is a point toward the end of the movie where Capote spends about 20 minutes miserable wishing something would just happen so he could finish his book and move on. I spent those same 20 minutes also wishing something would happen. I made this a point of criticism of my movie. But then the person I saw it with pointed out that the movie effectively conveyed what Capote was going through, so it was all very well done after all.

Anyway, I have two movies left, Cinderella Man and North Country. I think i might see North Country (dude, it is about a law suit. I love the law). But just give up on Cinderella Man. I just don't care.

It's surprisingly good, actually...I mean, I found it so even though I watched it on a 6-hour flight on a little dinky screen that was 10 feet away. Granted, it's cheesy in concept, but it's sweet in a way that you don't see much anymore.
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