Saturday, January 12, 2008


The Savages

The friend I saw the movie with put it this way: "you know how some movies the trailers make you think it is going to be funny sad, but then the real movie is sad with the five funny lines they put in the trailer." Yes, I do know that experience and it was the experience of watching the Savages. I am not saying the movie was bad exactly. It was very realistic. The characters talked and acted like real people that I feel like I know. It was neither dumbed or silent nor where they far too clever. And the emotional reactions seemed very true to life. It is just that movie had no plot, and it felt so unbelievably long. Basically, it was two hours of watching someone else's shitty middle class life.

Sunday, January 06, 2008


Friday Night Lights

So I had not watched Friday Night Lights as the episodes came out even thought I have been raving about the show and telling everyone who would listen that it was the best show ever. I am not sure why, I think I was afraid that I was going to get attached all over again and then NBC was going to take it away from me. Fear of abandonment really. Regardless of the reason, I made a poor tv choice, but I have changed my ways, and have been catching up online. And of-course, the episodes have been great.


What is wrong with the adults of Dillon, Texas that they keep going after children? What i found strange about last season's Riggins the 30 something neighbor last year sexual relationship is that no one commented on the fact that this was statutory rape, it just sort of happened. But then I figured this is one of the ways in which the show is interesting, since it does not resort to melodrama but portrays very realistically what can be a very harsh life, especially for the character of Riggins. And this is totally something Riggins would do. But then this past season they added two new adult/teen sexual tension story lines. Matt and the nurse who takes care of his grandmom, and the Julie and the newspaper prof. Which is kind of ridiculous because it begs my question, what is wrong with all these adults who are getting romantically entangled with children? Does the show really need to be doing this? Couldn't they just add more teenage characters instead of creating a series of inappropriate and borderline creepy relationships?

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