Monday, March 06, 2006



Seriously, Crash? Seriously.

I know yesterday I put Crash as my number 2 movie and talked about how it is brave to talk about race even if you do it poorly, blah blah blah. But that is before I though Crash had an actual shot at winning. Seriously, it is terriblly made movie. Now forget for a sec, how much better Brokeback was. Capote -- much better movie. Good Night and Good Luck -- a better made, more accurate movie. And even Munich --- well, munich at least had moments that were truly spectacular. I am shocked. Seriously.

On the overuse of the word "seriously" by Shonda Rhimes, the Showrunner for Gray's anatomy.

Why do you and the characters say "seriously" all the time?

Because Krista Vernoff, one of our valued writers, says it constantly in the Writers' Room. CONSTANTLY. Like, four hundred and fifty times a day. And it is catching. Now we all say it. Seriously. Krista says she caught the "seriously" bug from one of her friends and brought it to work and spread it to all of us. It's an awesome word. Said correctly, it can convey sarcasm, dismay, disbelief, a sense of moral and ethical superiority and gentle chastising punishment all at once. Seriously.

Yes, I steal phrases from tv.

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