Sunday, March 26, 2006


She's the Man

ok, so i lied a tiny bit in my Failure to Launch post. Not really lied, but in my attempt not to go on and on pointlessly, did not present my point as well as I could. It is true that I am annoyed that many critics treat all television as being equal, when it really isn't, but there are places one can go good differentiation between shows, for example, tv gal. However, my point remains valid when it comes to romantic comedies and teen movies, the reviews make it really hard to tell the difference between an actual good movie in this genre and a bad one.

Take for example, She's the Man. (It is the movie based on Twelfth Night starring Amanda Bynes of Nickelodeon fame). It got your standard New York Times review. The movie was good enough, had I seen on like ABC Family one night I would have thought it was fabulous. But having paid to see it in the theater (it was $7.50 not 10.75 thank god, Bukola had vouchers), my reaction was "god, this is lame." This is opposed to my reaction after seeing Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants in which was "oh my god, that was so good."

See how this is annoying? There is no way upon reading reviews to differentiate between the good bad movies and the bad bad movies.

So I am thinking, maybe I can serve this clearly underserved community of people who enjoy bad movies but need to know the difference between really good ones and bad ones. (and also trust my taste, which once you accept the terms, is flawless) So here is the rubric:

Totally go see it in the theater -- Sisterhood of the traveling pants, Legally Blonde, the Princess Diaries (I had a 2 here before, that was a type, sorry), 10 Things I hate about you, In her Shoes

You can rent it -- Legally Blonde 2, Just Like Heaven, how to lose a guy in 10 days

Don't spend money on it, but definately watch it if it comes on ABC Family -- She's the Man, Maid in Manhattan, Princess Diaries 2

Maybe watch it if it happens to be on and you really have nothing better to do -- Must Love Dogs

Don't watch, seriously, you might as well spend those two hours picking your nose -- Bewitched

I watched Bewitched on the plane b/c (obviously) there was nothing else on. Please don't judge me.
Julia, this is the first time I've read your post and I find it quite humorous and your taste IS flawless! I actually paid to watch Bewitched and I just wanted to shot myself! It was that bad, and sometimes I like bad movies.
I hope that you meant to say Princess Diaries 1 "go see it in the theater". Because Princess Diaries 2 was not worth its spot on my Netflix queue.
i found (well, technically dp found) a free bootlegged copy of Bewitched on a subway platform near Battery Park. I watched it, and I really do want my two hours back. If anyone wants my crappy bootlegged copy, it's yours.

I think you can also differentiate these things on which tween / teen actress is involved - i mean, anything with Julia Stiles in it will totally be worth it.
i religiously read the new york times for film advice, but their approach can be quite predictably efete New York intellectual.
this is why i always cross reference with a roger ebert review. the man jsut likes movies in general. ingore the star ratings, and our tastes are pretty different, but hes so astute i can usually tell whether a movie is worth my time.
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