Saturday, March 25, 2006


The Worst News Ever, and possibly bad news but mostly confusing news.

On yesterday's Washington Post TV chat with Lisa de Moraes, I read the following two items:

New York, N.Y.: Posting for my niece in Va., who is in school -- Is Everwood coming back next year?

Lisa de Moraes: Are you one of those middle aged people who hate to admit they love WB series, or are you the nicest parent ever? "Everwood" is on the fence, I'm sorry to report. It's in the list of shows "under consideration" according to the booklet CW suits handed out to advertisers last week, but not on anybody's "sure thing" list...

OK, this is the worst news ever. I could be ok if they cancel Everwood. (and by ok, I mean not refusing to leave my room because what kind of horrible world would cancel Everwood). I mean the show has a four season run, which is a long time for an hour long drama. And the kids are out of high school, so while still the best show on television, not quite the same. But if they do cancel the show, I want all the loose ends wrapped up. Amy and Ephram should get back together. Andy and Nina should get married. But the worst thing that can happen is that they cancel the show in like May after the season finale and we just sort of end it with some sort of terrible cliff hanger. I beg of you WB/CW, if you are going to cancel Everwood, can't you tell them now? or like two months ago? so they could wrap up the show in dignity. I would say that if they cancel Everwood with a cliffhanger I will never watch the new channel, CW, but we all know that is a lie. I will, however, be very very angry.

Morristown, N.J.: I know this has been asked by fans of the late, great Arrested Development, but there has not been a definitive answer yet: Is Arrested Development going to Showtime??

Lisa de Moraes: Showtime has reportedly made an offer -- two seasons with an option for a third is what's been said -- and it's up to the creator to decide whether he wants to keep going and under the terms Showtime has offered, as I understand it....

Um...I don't understand. Why isn't Mitch Hurwitz jumping at the opportunity to continue Arrested Development. Are the terms bad? does he think the story has been told? I am counting on several more years of AD DVDS. What is going on?

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