Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Stick It

Well, for all my anticipation for Stick it, I have to say it is not a classic.

However, I still think it is totally movie theater worthy, can I have a middle ground in my ratings between seeing it in the theater and renting it on video, perhaps if you are in a town that is not New York that has second run movie theaters, perhaps with some beer and food, then you absolutely have to see Stick It, especially if there is beer.

So yes, I thought the movie was good. The ending was fantastic and totally worth the whole thing. But somewhere in the middle, I got kind of bored. Yeah, we get it, you think the rules of gymnastics are too rigid, you want to be different. Yeah, we get it, people are hypocrites. Really, I wanted the girl and her voice over to just stop whining.

So yeah, maybe you should go see it when you have other things on your mind, so you can cover those during the boring parts. And then watch the end, it is hilarious.

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