Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Can't Touch This

No internet access at home = less blogging.

Anyway, about a week and a half ago I went to a MC Hammer Concert (actually it was an LL Cool J concert, but MC was playing) and it was the stragest feeling in the world.

When I came here in 1990, all them kids in Philly were listening to MC Hammer. And I, of-course, awkwardly pretended to like him, when I really didn't. But you know, MC Hammer was something that was too good for me, too American, something to aim for.

So as I sat there in the Verizon Center listening to him play his set in his ugly jumpsuit (no Hammer pants,) I had the strangest "where am I? who am I? how did I get here?" moment.

Never in a million years would 9 year old me think she was cool enough to go to an MC Hammer concert. I mean my parents would not even let me. Even less so (never in a billion years, if you will) would nine year old me would ever imagine that at 25, I would not only watch him play live, but would actually be too cool MC Hammer, and I would only be seeing him because it is funny and ironic.

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