Monday, January 15, 2007


Golden Globe Diary

7:22pm: why is it ok for Ryan Seacrest to oogle all the female actresses? He actually stared at Katherine Heigel's ass as she left her interview with him. On camera. Is sexism the new black?

7:40pm: Seacrest asks Jolie and Pitt if all the media attention bothers them. Angelina can barely tolerate him. Is he kidding? Has he forgotten who he is? He hosts an entertainment news show on an entertainment channel. He is currently hosting what might be one of the most shallow traditions around. Maybe he is asking that question ironically.

7:51: The E women are discussing that Angelina looking so upset. They are saying that she probably wants to be in a third world country. She probaby thinks this a bit much. They then call her that kind of girl. They totally hate her for refusing to bow to them and their cheap celebrity press.

7:54: I am kind of sad that I am going to leave E in a few minutes and watch the actual show. I fear there will be less to hate.

8:05: Jennifer Hudson did not thank her co-stars. I am just saying.

8:10: when they go to commercial break the annoucer keeps saying stuff along the lines like this party is so exciting: these are stars everywhere you look. This is the biggest party of the year, blah blah blah. All this gushing makes me unconfortable. My god who cares about the "stars." They are just entertainers. I know that I am taking time out of my life to watch this three hour event voluntarily. And yet, I still like to think of us as equals. I wish the announcer would agree with my perspective.

8:13: Did Jeremy Irons essentially play Joe Fiennes character from Elizabeth on HBO? It is great. Cate Blanchett and Joe Fiennes turn into Helen Mirren and Jeremy Irons. (Oh, and Irons is very funny)

8:17: Kyra Sedgewick seems so genuinely happy, calling her show the Closer an unexpected gift. Ok, so this is why I enjoy award shows. It is a chance to watch people in a moment of genuine happiness

8:40: Director of Cars wins and thanks Pixar and everyone else he knows. This is the second reason I love award shows. It is a chance for people to publicly thank the people they work with. It is really sweet to watch. And how often do we get to see it?

9:00: ok, between Elizabeth and Prime Suspect and the Queen, this is just an extended love fest to Helen Mirren. I absolutely love it.

9:02: Eddie Murphy also did not thanks any of his co-stars. I am just sayin.

9:22: Tim Allen has a golden globe???

9:33: Ugly Betty won. They are so happy. Hugging and screaming in happiness. I am moved. See Sedgwick and Cars above.

9:34: it seems wierd when they call someone a Golden Globe winner. Like Jamie Foxx, didn't he win an oscar? Doesn't calling him a golden globe winner sell him short?

9:35: Actors are not making their cause about movies getting out there in front of viewers. It started with Meryl Streep saying that many people got to see The Devil Wears Prada because it was playing at every theater, but other movies she has recently loved like Pan's labyrinth and Children of Men and Volver cannot be seen by most Americans. She told viewers to demand their theater managers play these movies. I often think these actor causes are kind of lame and annoying, but I actually think this is a really good one. It is ridiculous that there are movies that can only be seen in New York and LA. It is a form of culture that could easily be transmitted everywhere. And actors are totally the right people to promote this, because this is an area in which they should have muscle.

At this point I decided that I no longer wanted to get out of bed to comment, so here are the rest of my thoughts with timestap guesstimates.

10:15: I can sometimes be a tiny bit contrarian so as Tom Hanks Q score (his likeability) went through the roof, I began to dismiss him. But I watched his tribute to Warren Beatty and Tom Hanks is great on stage. Many actors are not. But Hanks is charming and funny. It shows that America occasionally has good taste.

10:20: Martin Scorsese has very bushy eyebrows.

10:30: The producer of Dreamgirls does thank his cast.

10:35: I am trying to read The Merchant of Venice while watching the Globes. The more Shakespeare vilifies shylock, the more I heart him.

11:05: Apparently it is cold in Los Angeles.

im just saying, sexism is totally the new (and old) black...i mean, like, totally hot, xoxo omg lol...
this is what you drunkenly left on my blog?
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