Wednesday, April 25, 2007


O'Reilly Wins!

So I have been watching snippets of O'Reilly because it is on in Cosi whenever I get my salad. And I found myself shocked by the show, not so much the fact that it is conservative, the bubble I live in is not that small, but the priorities in the show's agenda. So at least twice, his main topic of conversation was Rosie O'Donnell. And this is like 5 days apart. And I am standing there pretty confused, being like "wow, this is what bothers you the most about what is going on in America." I mean shouldn't this giant conservative voice be angry about abortions or global warming or Dems opposing Iraq or something. Seriously, I think Colbert discusses more serious topics than O'Reilly does. Apparently, he discussed her again like Monday night and I missed it. Well, I guess he succeeded....

Since I am already blogging in one of his discussions on O'Donnell, one if guests said she was a danger to America because she is being watched by the least sophisticated political group in America. And it was not even so much that I was surprised by the sexism of his remark, but who exactly watches O'Reilly? Is it a completely different set of people than the View? Or did the guest just insult his own audience?

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