Wednesday, August 26, 2009


The Real World

I was listening to the Slate Gabfest the other day, and the usual gab-festers were out and instead gab-festing were three New York Slate editors. So in honor of their "coup", they dedicated their third segment to DC vs. NY. Of-course New York won, since they are all from New York and because it is SO CLEARLY the superior city. As one of their arguments on why DC is so lame is the fact that the Real World is here and we DC-ers are so excited about the Real World. Well, that is total BS. I talk to DC residents every day and they all seem indifferent to the Real World. Except for me. I totally want to run into them. At first, I was all indifferent too, but I think that is just because in the back of my mind, I assumed I would see them. Now, that it has been months and I haven't, I am feeling frustrated.

Fine, it is irrelevant now, but people fail to give the show any credit. The Real World was a cultural milestone. The San Francisco season, with Pedro and HIV, and Puck the bike messenger, and Pam and Judd falling in love, that was compelling television. I was in middle school and watching Pedro on TV was pretty amazing. Dave Eggers dedicates like a third of a Heartbreaking Work of a Staggering Genius to his audition for the show. And I am sure Dave Eggers thinks that he is culturally relevant.

So yes, some part of me will always think the Real World is cool. And it would be exciting to see them.

(For the record, I am way too lazy to actually stalk them.)

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