Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Heroes, the Nine

So I watched what was the third episode of heroes last night. So when I first heard of heroes last spring, for some reason I thought it was going to be a whimsical show about these folks who find out they have superpowers and how they learn to adjust to society and form relationships and stuff like that. I had no reason to believe this, I think I just imagined the show I actually wanted on tv. Anyway, heroes is not that at all. It definately is not whimsical. Basically, there is some terrible, unexplained danger in the world, and these people with the superpowers have the special role of stopping it.

As I explained in my Vanished post, I like mysteries, because I really want to know what the deal is. I want to know who this wierd murderer is (I think he is named Sylar or something). why these people suddenly have superpowers. what does this all mean. In other words, I want answers. But here is the thing, I don't think there are answers. I think the writers have no idea where this is going. This was always my problem with Alias (and part of the reason I don't watch Lost), they would not give many explanations and when they did, it was always like "what the fuck?" in a bad, this does not make any sense way. It is cause they have to keep the mystery going in order to get people to keep watching, but then they have to have storylines too, so everything gets more and more mysterious and wierd, and eventually it reaches absurdity. I think heroes is the same way. And I refuse to commit to a show that won't give me satisfying explanations.

The Nine, on the other hard, is a show that I think will eventually have answers. But I am taking a cautiously optimistic, wait and see approach. If I find out that it gives the viewers a satisfying resolution to the whole thing, I will rent the dvds.

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